


Is it possible to make large cties more environmentally friendly?

この手の質問に"No, it is not possible."と回答するのはネガティブな感じですので、今回は"Yes, it is possible."と、前向きな回答にしてみます。


  • 都会では一晩中明かりをつけている建物が多い。電力消費量の低いLED照明への入れ替えを進めれば、エネルギー節約効果が大きい
  • 都会には自動車が多い。自動車の量を規制する。たしかシンガポールでは、ナンバーが偶数(奇数)の車しか走れない日を設定していたと思います。
  • ビルの屋上や空きスペースに芝生や木を植えることを進める。これはすでに実施されていますが、もっと推進できると思います。


Today, I would like to share my opinion to the question, "Is it possible to make large cities more environmentally friendly?" My answer to this question is Yes. I believe that the big cities can be more environmentally friendly. Let me show you some example.

First, by changing all light devices to LED, we can save huge amount of energy. In large cities a lot of buildings are turning on the lights. So saving effect would be big.

Second, there are many cars running in large cities, which lead to air pollution. By regulating the number of cars. We can make the air of large cities more clean. As far as I remember, Singapore government made a rule that on a certain day only cars with even number can enter the center of the Singapore. On other days, only cars with uneven number can enter.I think this is a interesting idea to reduce the number of cars running in large cities.

Third,we can make large cities more green by planting flowers, trees, and lawns on the roofs the buildings, vacant spaces, and so forth. If cities have more green plants,it would be comfortable for birds, animals, and human being.

Today I share three examples,but I believe that there are more other ideas. There are a lot of things we can do to make big cites more environmentally friendly.









