
この記事は、Zenhabitsの"Motivation Hack #5: Visualize your goal clearly, on a daily basis, for at least 5-10 minutes."(現在この記事はきえているようです)を和訳したものです。

Motivation Hack #5: Visualize your goal clearly, on a daily basis, for
at least 5-10 minutes.

Similar to Motivation Hack #17(Post a picture of your goal someplace visible), the idea is to have a clear picture of the successful outcome of your goal in
your mind.

Athletes use this, famously, to a great degree of success. In fact, I used this to help train for and complete my marathon last December.

The key: visualize your successful outcome in great detail. Close your eyes, and think about exactly how your successful outcome will look, will feel, will smell and taste and sound like. Where are you when you become successful? How do you look? What are you wearing? Form as clear a mental picture as possible.
ポイント:目標を達成したときのイメージを細部までビジュアル化する。 目を閉じて思い描きましょう。目標を達成した時はどんな光景か、何を感じ、どんな臭いがし、どんな味がし、どんな風に聞こえるか。目標を達成した瞬間、あなたはどこにいますか?あなたは周囲の目にどのように映るでしょうか。あなたは何を着ていますか?できるだけはっきりしたメンタルイメージを思い描きましょう。

For example, I have a goal to strength train a couple of times a week for the remainder of this year. But my goal really isn’t the training … that’s the path towards my goal. My goal is to become stronger. I don’t want to look like Arnold, or be buff in any way. But I would like to have a little more muscle, and have a strong midsection, so
that I can be a stronger runner and triathlete. I think it will also make me feel better about myself. When I visualize this goal, I see myself as I will look if I successfully follow my strength training program, and how I will feel about myself.

This is a powerful motivator, and though it may feel silly, I urge you to close your eyes and do it right now, for at least a few minutes. Can you picture it? Now here’s the next key: do it every day. For at least a few minutes each day. This is the only way to keep that motivation going over a long period of time.

See your success, and make it happen.



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