
この記事は、世界的に有名なブログ、Zenhabitsの、"Motivation Hack #18: Join an online (or off-line) group to help keep you focused and motivated."(現在この記事は存在しないようです)を訳したものです。

Motivation Hack #18: Join an online (or off-line) group to help keep you focused and motivated.

When I started to run, more than a year ago, I joined a few different forums, at different times, on different sites, such as Men’s Health (the Belly-Off Runner’s Club), Runner’s World, Cool Running, and the running group at About.com. I did the same when I was quitting smoking.
一年以上前に私がランニングを始めた時、Men’s Health (the Belly-Off Runner’s Club)、Runner’s World、Cool Runningなど、いくつかのフォーラムに参加しました。禁煙をしたときも同じようにフォーラムに参加しました。

 Each time I joined a forum, it helped keep me on track. Not only did I meet a bunch of other people who were either going through what I was going through or who had already been through it, I would report my progress (and failures) as I went along. They were there for great advice, for moral support, to help keep me going when I wanted to stop.

Now, there are many such groups or forums out there, each of them good and with their own personalities. Don’t be afraid to just jump in (after reading the FAQ) and say hello, introduce yourself, and ask questions. Post your progress. If you are having problems, say so, and ask for help. Keep coming back, and you will stay motivated.

There are also real-world versions of these groups, for many different goals, from running to quitting smoking to quitting alcohol and more. Look for such a group in your area and give them a call. A combination of online and off-line groups could also work.



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