
この記事は、世界的に有名なブログ、Zenhabitsの"Top 20 Motivation Hacks - #12"(現在この記事は存在しないようです)を和訳したものです。

Motivation Hack #12: Break it into smaller, mini goals.

Sometimes large or longer-term goals can be overwhelming. After a
couple weeks, we may lose motivation, because we still have several
months or a year or more left to accomplish the goal. It’s hard to
maintain motivation for a single goal for such a long time.

 Solution: have smaller goals along the way. For example, in running, I
may have a training plan that lasts three months. But along the way, I
may have races every two or three weeks, and training for each race
will keep me motivated. Also, on an even smaller scale, I might have a
goal just for this week, and another just for today, in terms of my
training. And finally, even within a single run, I might set smaller
goals for each mile (“Just run another mile at this strong pace, don’t
think about the five miles after that!”).

This can be done with any goal. Something that’s accomplishable and
just ahead of you, instead of way down the road, is something you’re
more likely to go after. Trying to get debt free? Focus on one small
debt, and celebrate when it’s done. If your debts aren’t too small,
focus on getting one debt down by $500 (for example), and then focus
on the next $500, and so on.

Once you’re done with each mini goal, you celebrate. Then you set your
sights on the next mini goal. Achieve enough of these, and you’ve made
incredible progress on the larger goal. Once in awhile, step back and
look at the larger picture. You’ll be pleased at how far you’ve come



にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語学習情報へ

