
この記事は、世界的に有名なブログ、Zenhabitsの"Top 20 Motivation Hacks - #11"(現在この記事は存在しないようです)を和訳したものです。

Motivation Hack #11: Reward yourself. Often.

And not just for longer-term goals, either. In Hack #12, I talked
about breaking larger goals into smaller, mini goals. Well, each of
those mini goals should have a reward attached to it. Make a list of
your goals, with mini goals, and next to each, write down an
appropriate reward. By appropriate, I mean 1) it’s proportionate to
the size of the goal (don’t reward going on a 1-mile run with a luxury
cruise in the Bahamas); and 2) it doesn’t ruin your goal ― if you are
trying to lose weight, don’t reward a day of healthy eating with a
dessert binge. It’s self-defeating.

Now, that doesn’t mean you can’t have sweet rewards now and then, even
if you’re trying to eat healthy. But make them smaller treats, and
only on occasion. For example, I often reward myself on the weekend
for a good week of eating healthy and resisting temptations. This is
not a daily reward, but once a week. And on the weekends, I often go
for a run (or do a race), do my Sunday bike ride, and yard work. I’m
burning off that sweet weekend reward anyway.

Rewards can be anything you like. Some of mine have included sweet
treats, new running shoes, a running mp3 player, books, running
clothes, dinner at a nice restaurant, or other things I’ve been
holding back on because I’m trying to be frugal. You might also like a
massage, or shoes, or clothes, or a manicure or facial. I’m not that
into those things, but you might be.

At any rate, don’t just indulge yourself ― celebrate! Feel good about
your accomplishment, and look back on all the hard work you put in.
It’s important that you make a big deal about it, because this will
make you feel good about your goal activities, and motivate you to do
more. Tell family and friends about it. Be proud of yourself. Give
yourself a gold star.



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